More than ten people in Shanghai have died of heatstroke during the eastern city's unprecedented summer heat, local health officials said Tuesday.
Heatstroke indicates that human beings' bodies lose the ability to regulate body temperature. When one's body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius or above, his or her life will be threatened. The symptoms of heat stroke include profuse sweating, lethargy, dizziness, thirst and muscle cramps.
Heat waves have occurred frequently in recent years and have brought increasingly serious damage. The heat wave weather not only leads to heat-related illnesses such as sunstroke, dehydration, and heat rash; it can also cause dry spells, leading to crop failure which ultimately impacts people's life and work.
1, 中暑 heatstroke; sunstroke
2, 调节体温 to regulate body temperature
3, 大量出汗 sweating a lot
4, 昏昏欲睡 lethargy
5, 头晕目眩 dizziness
6, 口渴难耐 thirst
7, 肌肉痉挛 muscle cramps
8, 高温病 heat-related illnesses
9, 脱水 dehydration
10, 痱子 heat rash
11, 干旱期 dry spell
12, 农作物歉收 crop failure