At noon on Saturday, President Xi Jinping arrived at the Qingfeng Steamed Bun shop unannounced. He stood in line with the other patrons as he waited to order, mingled with the locals as he ate his meal, and paid for his lunch himself as amazed bystanders clicked away on their smartphones.
28日中午,习近平总书记在没有提前通知的情况下,来到庆丰包子铺排队点餐(order)、亲自取餐,此举被网友拍下照片并上传微博,一时间引发热议(be the rage)。
总书记花了21元点的二两猪肉大葱包子、一碗炒肝、一份芥菜也被网友称为“习大大套餐”(Xi Dada's Set Meal)。记者昨日了解到,习大大去包子铺吃午餐没有打招呼(inform beforehand)、没有事先安排(make an arrangement),同时,就餐全程顾客也可以自由进出。
习总书记的光临,让“庆丰包子铺”生意异常火爆(roaring trade),一些市民争先恐后(fall over one another)购买习总书记点的“套餐”。
重点词汇Key Words:
点餐diǎn cān
安排ān pái
make an arrangement
生意火爆shēng yì huǒ bào
roaring trade
争先恐后zhēng xiān kǒng hòu
fall over one another
大大dà dà
"Dada" means "Uncle" in the Shaanxi dialect. "Xi Dada" means "Uncle Xi".