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Xiao He 萧何

Profile:Xiao He 萧何
萧何早年任秦沛县狱吏,秦末辅佐刘邦起义。攻克咸阳后,他接收了秦丞相、御史府所藏的律令、图书,掌握了全国的山川险要、郡县户口,对日后制定政策和取得楚汉战争胜利起了重要作用。楚汉战争时,他留守关中,使关中成为汉军的巩固后方,不断地输送士卒粮饷支援作战,对刘邦战胜项羽,建立汉代起了重要作用。 御史府, 萧何采摭秦六法,重新制定律令制度,作为《九章律》在法律思想上,主张“无为”,喜好“黄老之术”。高帝十一年(前196年)又协助高祖消灭韩信、英布等异姓诸侯王。高祖死后,他辅佐惠帝。惠帝二年(前193年)卒,谥号“文终侯”。
Xiao He served as warder in Pei County of the Qin State in his early years and became a trusted aide to Liu Bang during an uprising in the late Qin Dynasty. Following the occupation of Xianyang, he collected laws and books in the Qin Prime Minister's office and acquired a good command of the mountainous strategic locations and residential accounts of towns and counties, which all played important roles in future policy-making and the victory at the end of the Chu-Han Contention. During the Contention, Xiao He was in charge of Guanzhong (Central Shaanxi Plain), providing support to Liu's army at the war-front, in the form of supplies, including provisions, and the reinforcement troops key to Liu Bang's victory over Xiang Yu and the establishment of the Han Dynasty. While holding the office of chancellor, Xiao He chose the positive aspects of the Six Laws of the Qin, re-enacted previous laws and regulations, which are recorded in Jiuzhang Lv (Nine laws). He advocated “no action” and favored “the Huang-Lao” (Huangdi and Laozi, the combination of Taoist school and legalism). In the 11th year of Emperor Gao (196 BC), Xiao He was an aide to the emperor in the elimination of dukes with other family names, including Han Xin and Ying Bu. Following the emperor's death, he aided Emperor Hui. Xiao He died in the 2nd year of Emperor Hui (193 BC) and was posthumously titled the Duke of Wenzhong.
Major achievement: aiding Liu Bang in the establishment of the Han Dynasty
Representative work: Jiuzhang Lv

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