旁白: 韩佳说,如皋除了水绘园, Han Jia said, apart from Shuihui Garden, 这里的盆景也是大有名气。 Rugao is also known for its Penjing plants. 说起盆景,这我可不陌生。 As for Penjing (bonsai), it isn't strange to me. 不过盆景是怎么栽培出来的? But how is Penjing cultivated? 这我还真不熟悉。 I'm not at all familiar with it. 今天可得抓住这个机会 I must grab today's opportunity 好好了解一下。 to learn about out. 韩佳: 快乐学汉语,万里海疆行! Learn Chinese and enjoy a Happy Journey across China! 大家好,我是快乐的韩佳。 Hell, I'm Merry Han Jia. 王渊源:“左顾右盼两弯半, "It looks left and right with two and a half bends, 云头雨足美人腰。” a cloud head, after-rain feet and a beauty's waist." 韩佳: 渊源,你在念叨什么呢? Yuanyuan, what are you murmuring about? 王渊源:你不知道。 You don't know. 刚才来之前,我就问人家来着。 Before I came here, I consulted some people. 他们说如皋盆景的特点 They said Rugao Penjing's characteristic 就是“左顾右盼两弯半, is "glancing left and right with 云头雨足美人腰。” a cloud head, after-rain feet and a beauty's waist." 可是我在这儿看了一会儿, I've been looking around here for quite a while, 也没看出什么名堂来。 but I didn't see anything unusual. 韩佳: 你是不是连这句话的意思 Is it that you even don't understand 都没明白呀? the meaning of this sentence? 王渊源:我是有点儿明白。 I kind of understand it 但不都明白。 and also don't quite understand it. 不过,这“左顾右盼”的意思 But as for "zuo gu you pan", 我倒是知道。 I definitely understand what it means. “左顾右盼”就是指左右两边看。 "Zuo gu you pan" means to glance left and right. 韩佳: 没错儿。 Yes, exactly. “左顾右盼”就是指左右两边看。 "Zuo gu you pan" means to glance left and right. 来吧,渊源, Come on, Yuanyuan, 仔细看看如皋的盆景。 look carefully at these Rugao Penjing plants. 这可不是你随便看就能看懂的哦。 This isn't something you can understand at a glance. 这“左顾右盼”就是用来形容 "Zuo gu you pan" is used to describe 如皋盆景的树干左右弯曲。 a twisted tree trunk. “云头”就是指盆景的树冠, "Yun tou" refers to a Penjing treetop, 长得像天上的云朵。 which resembles a cloud in the sky. 那“雨足”就是指盆景的树根, "Yu zu" refers to a Penjing tree's roots, 像雨后裸露在外面的脚, which look like a pair of strong bare feet 苍劲有力。 after a rainfall. 而“美人腰”则是指盆景的树干, And "mei ren yao" refers to the trunk of a Penjing tree, 像美人弯曲的腰身。 which bends as beautifully as a beauty's waist. 王渊源:那这“两弯半”呢? Then what about "liang wan ban"? 韩佳: 这就要靠你自己慢慢找了。 It's up to you to find out the answer. “两弯半”是如皋盆景的一个代表造型。 "Liang wan ban" is one of Rugao Penjing's typical shapes. 你好好想想这个名字。 Just think about this name carefully. 然后再结合 Then taking into consideration 我刚才给你解释的那几点, the few points I just explained to you, 应该在这个园子里 you would find it pretty soon 很快就能找到了。 in this garden. 王渊源:是吗?这应该简单。 Really? It should be easy. 我估计马上就能找出来。 I guess I could find it at once. 是不是那个? Is that one? 韩佳: 那个没弯儿啊。 That one doesn't have any twists. 王渊源:那个!那个有点弯儿。 That one! It has a bit of twist. 韩佳: 基本上那是直的。 It's basically a straight one. 王渊源:那这个。你看这么多弯儿。 Then it must be this one. It has so many twists. 韩佳: 这么多弯儿哪是两弯半啊。 It has far more than two and a half twists. 王渊源:那不是这个,也不是那个。 It's not this, it's not that. 你说到底是哪一个呀? What on earth is the one you meant? 韩佳: 渊源,我真是佩服你呀。 Yuanyuan, you convinced me. 找了这么久都没找到。 You've been looking for it for such a long time but to no avail. 你看看这棵。 Look at this one. 王渊源:这是? Is it the right one? 韩佳: 云头、雨足、美人腰。 A cloud head, after-rain feet and a beauty's waist. 然后你再数数看这里有几弯呢。 Then count how many twists it has. 王渊源:还真是! Yes, indeed! 这几个特点描述得真是恰到好处! The description of the features is just perfect! 韩佳: 渊源刚才说得“恰到好处”。 Yuanyuan just said "qia dao hao chu". 就是指说话、做事情 It means that something said or done 正好达到最适当的地方。 is perfect or just right. 王渊源:“恰到好处”就是指说话、做事情 "Qia dao hao chu" means that something said or done 正好达到最适当的地方。 is perfect or just right. Tā zhè jù huà shuō de qià dào hǎochù 他 这 句 话 说 得 恰 到 好处。 What he said was just perfect. 韩佳: 那如皋的盆景正因为有自己的特点, Because of its own special characteristics, 所以才在中国几大盆景流派中 Rugao Penjing occupies a niche 有自己的一席之地。 among China's major types of Penjing. 王渊源:韩佳,你说这盆景中的树 Han Jia, do you think a Penjing tree 它是不是天生就长成这个样子呀? was planted like that? 韩佳: 这样吧,我带你去个地方。 Well, I'd better take you to a place. 到了那儿,你就知道 There you'll understand 盆景是怎么栽培出来的了。 how a Penjing plant is cultivated. 渊源, Yuanyuan, 这里就是如皋的花木栽培基地了。 here is one of Rugao's Penjing cultivation bases. 如皋的绝大部分盆景都出自于这里。 Most of Rugao's Penjing plants come from here. 王渊源:这我倒是一眼就看出来了, I can see at first sight that 家家户户门口都有一块花木田。 every household here has a garden. 韩佳: 是啊。 Yes. 正是依靠这些花木, Thanks to these Penjing flower plants, 这里的老百姓生活十分富裕。 people here live a well-off life. 据说,如皋一年的花木交易金额 It's said the annual potted plants transactions 能达到两百亿。 in Rugao reach 20 billion yuan. 王渊源:这么多呀! So much money! 韩佳: 嗯。 Yes. 王渊源:看来喜欢盆景的人不在少数呢。 It seems that those who like Penjing are not in the minority. 韩佳: 渊源刚才说的“看来”是个插入语, The "kan lai" Yuanyuan said is a parenthesis, 表示经过观察而做出判断。 meaning it seems or it looks as if. 王渊源:“看来”表示经过观察而做出判断。 "Kan lai" means it seems or it looks as if. Kànlái xǐhuan pénjǐng de rén bú zài shǎo shù 看来 喜欢 盆景 的 人 不 在 少 数。 It seems that those who like Penjing are not in the minority. 韩佳: 关键还是如皋的盆景非常有特点。 The most important thing is that Rugao Penjing has its special characteristics. 哎,你看那儿。 Eh, look over there. 王渊源:哦,原来是用绳子和线 Oh, the tree trunk and branches 把树干和树枝绑起来啊! have to be bound with ropes! 韩佳: 对啊。 Yes. 王渊源:那这盆盆景就算完工了? A Penjing plant has thus been prepared? 韩佳: 哪有你想象的那么简单啊。 It isn't as easy as you think it would be. 一棵好的盆景, A very nice Penjing plant 还得经过精心地修剪, has to go through careful pruning 以及一系列复杂的工序 and a series of complex procedures 才能成型的。 before it can finally take shape. 王渊源:这么复杂呀! It's so complex! 韩佳: 嗯。 Yes. 这样吧,让你亲眼去看看。 Okay, I'll let you see for yourself. 王渊源:哎,好。 Okay, good. 韩佳: 花老师在修剪盆景。 Mr. Hua is pruning some Penjing plants. 我们过去打个招呼啊。 Let's say hello to him. 王渊源:好。 Okay. 韩佳: 花老师,你好。 Mr. Hua, good to see you? 正在修剪盆景呢? Are you pruning Penjing trees here? 花老师:你好,你好。 Hello, good to see you. 王渊源:花老师,您能不能给我们讲讲 Mr. Hua, can you tell us 您是怎么修剪盆景的呀? how you prune these Penjing plants? 花老师:我觉得修盆景, I think when we prune a Penjing plant, 要保持它原来的一点点形态。 we should keep some of its original shape. 韩佳: 那平均多长时间要修剪一次啊? What's the average time between each pruning? 花老师:我们大概一年修剪两次。 Normally, we prune a plant twice a year. 王渊源:是光修这个叶子还是树枝也得? Do you prune the leaves and branches as well? 花老师:树枝也得修。 Yes, also branches. 你像这个枝就不要了。太长。 For instance, this branch is too long. It should be cut off. 下面这个也太长。也不要。 And the one below here is also too long. It should also be cut off. 咱们就要把它打断。 We should also cut it off. 王渊源:那花老师, Mr. Hua, 我们能跟您学学吗? can we learn something from you? 花老师:可以,可以。 Sure, you're welcome. 韩佳: 我们行吗? Are we up to the job? 我连从哪里下手都不知道。 I even don't know from wher I should start. 王渊源:试一下应该没问题吧。 It shouldn't be a problem just to have a try. 韩佳: 好吧。 Okay. 花老师:没有问题,没有问题。 No problem, no problem. 那观众朋友们, Audience friends, 我们跟花老师 we're going to learn Penjing pruning 学习一下修剪盆景。 from Mr. Hua. 您先看看我们的赏心悦目。 Please watch our Feast for the Eyes first. 一会儿再见了。 See you later. 赏心悦目: 如皋盆景是中国七大盆景流派之一 Rugao boasts one of seven most famous types of bonsai trees in China. 有着悠久的历史和高度的艺术成就 With a long history and high artistic value, “左顾右盼两弯半 云头雨足美人腰” Rugao bonsai trees are known 是如皋盆景的特点 for their beautiful shapes, 亦是赢得人们的喜爱和赞叹的原因 thus winning admiration and praise from collectors. 如皋还是一个长寿之乡 Rugao is also known as a town of longevity. 各色与长寿有关的景观 Many longevity-related scenic spots 在东方大寿星园中都能找到 can be seen at the Dongfang Longevity Garden. 这些制作精细 构思巧妙的景观 These ingeniously built scenic spots 体现了人们希望健康长寿的美好愿望 reflect people's wishes for good heath. 王渊源:花老师... Mr. Hua ... 您看看我们修得怎么样啊? What do you think of our pruning work? 花老师:还好,还好。 Not bad, not bad. 有些东西不能打不能剪。 Some things should be kept intact. 王渊源:我们不敢剪。 We didn't dare to cut many of the branches. 花老师:不能破坏它整体树形。 We mustn't damage the shape of backbone branches. 把那个不需要的树枝剪掉 But it is okay to cut off 还可以的。 some unnecessary branches. 王渊源:这次我们算是过关了吧? Now we've passed the test? 花老师:可以。 Sure. 韩佳: 谢谢老师夸奖。给您剪子。 Thank you for your encouragement. Here's your pair of scissors. 那好了, Okay, 现在就要来给大家出 now we're going to set 今天的有奖问答题了。 today's award-winning question. 王渊源:好了。今天的问题是这样的。 Yes. Today's question is like this. (问题部分略) 韩佳: 节目的最后还是要提醒您, At the end of this program, we'd still like to remind you 口号不能忘哦。 not to forget our slogan. 合: 学说中国话,朋友遍天下! Learn Chinese and make friends everywher!
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