Duplicity-by Singer Zhang Yusheng.
The main content is as follows: Your promises with deep feeling have gone away misty, following the west wind.
Your ruthless leaving when I need you badly is just like a thunderbolt in a sunny day.
The main content is as follows: Your promises with deep feeling have gone away misty, following the west wind.
Your ruthless leaving when I need you badly is just like a thunderbolt in a sunny day.
口是心非 |
口是心非 duplicity |
你深情的承诺都随着西风飘渺远走 |
缥缈 misty |
痴人梦话 |
痴 crazy |
我钟情的倚托就像枯萎凋零的花朵 |
钟情 be deep in love with 凋零 withered |
星火燎原 |
燎 burn |
我热情的眼眸曾点亮最灿烂的天空 |
灿烂splendid |
晴天霹雳 |
霹雳 thunderbolt |
你绝情的放手在我最需要你的时候 |
绝情 ruthless |
于是爱恨交错人消瘦 |
消瘦 become thin |
怕是怕这些苦没来由 |
来由 reason |
于是悲欢起落人静默 |
默 silent |
等一等这些伤会自由 |
伤 wound |
口是心非 |
你矫情的面容都烙印在心灵的角落 |
矫情 argumentative |
无话可说 |
我纵情的结果就像残破光秃的山头 |
光秃bare |
浑然天成 |
我纯情的悸动曾奔放最滚烫的节奏 |
悸动 flutter |
不可收拾 |
收拾 do out |
你滥情的拋空所有晶莹剔透的感受 |
晶莹剔透 |