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Time to Say Goodbye 歌曲《告别的时刻》

Profile:Time to Say Goodbye 歌曲《告别的时刻》
《告别的时刻》(英文名:Time to Say Goodbye)是一首意大利歌剧流行音乐,该首单曲最初是由安德烈•波伽利在1995年的意大利圣雷莫音乐会演唱的,于同年收录在他的《Bocelli》专辑中,被认为是安德烈•波伽利的代表歌曲。之后,他与女高音歌唱家莎拉•布莱曼合唱的版本得到了成功性的广泛传播。它横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域,成为当时全球流行乐坛最热门的话题之一。
Time to Say Goodbye is a popularItalian song performed by Andrea Bocelli, who first sang it at the 1995 Sanremo Festival and recorded it on his albumBocelliin the same year. It is considered as Bocelli's signature tune. Afterward, the second version of the song, paired Bocelli with English soprano Sarah Brightman, achieved even greater success, topping charts all across Europe, wher it became the biggest-selling single and hottest topic in history.

1996年德国著名拳王亨利·马斯克(Henry Maske)为结束自己的运动生涯而筹备了一场告别比赛,他特意找到自己非常钟爱的歌手莎拉·布莱曼,邀请她在自己的比赛上进行演唱。布莱曼欣然接受,最终选中了这首《告别时刻》,而且布莱曼还请到波伽利与自己同台演出。然而,在当年11月份举行的告别赛上,亨利·马斯克却意外落败,令人感叹不已。当感人的旋律响起时,当布莱曼和波伽利开始倾情演唱时,此情此景令闻者无不动容!而这首歌以及莎拉·布莱曼的名字,则深深印入听众们的心中。后来有媒体甚至将之形容为“一个拳王的告别造就了另一个音乐传奇”!
Henry Maske, a famous German boxer, was preparing a farewell game to end his athletic career in 1996. He invited his favorite singer Sarah Brightman, who also invited Bocelli with her together to give a performance, and the song Time to Say Goodbye was chosen. However,to deeply regret, Henry Maskeaccidentally lost at the farewell game in November. All people were touched when Sarah Brightman and Bocelli began singing soulfully and tenderly in the touching melodies in that situation. Since then, the song Time to Say Goodbyeand Sarah Brightmanthe singer were deeply imprinted in the minds of audiences. Some media even described it as “A music legend from champion’s farewell ”.
Since the release of Time to Say Goodbye, many singers have covered various versions. It is also applied widely in sporting events, movies and TV programs.

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