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土豪村分红1300万:800万垫睡 420万当枕头The Great Money Wall of China

Profile:土豪村分红1300万:800万垫睡 420万当枕头The Great Money Wall of China

We’ve all had those wild dreams of deepest fantasy (no not those ones) where an abundant amount of money falls from the sky, and we bathe in veritable bathtubs full of cash, or those absurd portrayals where we find ourselves swimming in million dollar seas and end up growing our own money trees. Such beautiful fiscal paradigms, beautiful money dreams, lucidly illuminating our imagination. Sadly, unless you find yourself on the front of Forbes magazine these dreams are the stuff of pure lunacy, until recently that is; Sichuan residents have proven that dreams of money do come true.
我们都曾做过这样的美梦:天上下“钱雨”砸在头上,用钱泡个澡,在钱池子里游泳,再 种上一棵摇钱树。这些给我们树立了美好的金钱标杆,给人无限的向往,激发了我们的想象力,但是可悲的是,除非你能登上《福布斯》的封面,这些梦都是一堆空 想。但最近对于四川的一些村民来说,美梦是可以成真的。

The Revival Construction Village of Mianning County, Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan held a 2013 annual bonus meeting, where a 2-meter long “Great Money Wall” worth over 13 million RMB was publicly showcased in the village. The wall weighed 312 pounds with the red stacks attracting the locals’ attention, driving citizens to rush and gather at the spot early in the morning to take pictures of the “Great Money Wall” as the background. The Great Money Wall itself was not only aimed at displaying the village wealth, but also to serve as a year-end award for more than 340 households residing in the village. Piles of cash ranging from 100-300,000 RMB were distributed to households on the spot.
四 川凉山州冕宁县复兴镇建设村召开2013年分红大会,一面2米长、金额超过1300万元、重达312磅的钱墙坐落在村里,引得村民们都一大早来到分红现 场,和钱墙合影。钱墙不仅展示了这个村的经济实力,也是分给340户村民的年终红利。最多的一户领到了30万元,最少的也有近十万元。

At 9.30 am on Jan 14, the local authority from the village office started to pile-up 100 RMB banknote bundles, that were worth 100,000 RMB per bundle. These were initially withdrawn from the local bank a day earlier on Jan 13. How in the world would you guard that much money overnight? Well,  officials provided seven guards in total to ensure their safety, with three monitoring inside, and four outside the exhibition hall itself.

Well, these guards might have stolen our wet moneyed dreams. Overnight, the three guards placed the money bundles on the floor, covered them with a blanket and slept on top of  their money bed.

"We used 8 million RMB as our bed, and 4.2 million as our pillows last night. The rest we put aside,” said Jinhong Zhong, one of the three local guards.

The say Money Can’t Buy You Happiness and this perfectly surmises Zhong’s experience, as sleeping on a bed made of money didn’t guarantee him a good night’s sleep or sweet dreams. Fretting over the threat of robbery taking place, he could not help but stay awake nervously all night. “Sleeping on top of the bed made of such a great amount of money made me nervous. It’s also very stiff, not so comfortable,” said Zhong.

Nevertheless, thirteen million RMB is an impressive bonus for only a few hundred of households in the region. Thanks to the village’s new land circulation model, which created an agricultural organization amongst the villagers and various farming and investment companies, the windfall was made possible. Undergoing new management of land, capital, and fund shares, more than 340 villagers were involved in the process. In just 3 years, the model resulted in industrial and financial advancement and a successful 13 million RMB profit that was used build the Great Money Wall.
1300万的红利对于只有几百户村民来说真是笔大数目,这些都归功于村里的土地流转新模式,就是在农 户、农业和投资公司间成立了农业合作社,才保证了年底分红。在这种新的土地、资金和股份管理模式下,340余户村民都参与进来。3年时间里,这种模式创造 了良好的产业及财政效益,给大家造了一座1300万的“金钱长城”。

While Beijing is popular for the Great Wall, with various sayings such  ‘I’ve climbed the Great Wall’ (我登上了万里长城- Wǒ dēng shàngle wànlǐ chángchéng), or, ‘He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.’ 不到长城非好汉 - Bù dào chángchéng fēi hǎohàn), with the the Great Money Wall, Sichuan tourist officials might want to consider coining phrases such  “I’ve seen the Great Money Wall”, or “He who has never slept on the Great Money Wall is not a true man.“ as their new tourism slogan.



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