American actress Angelina Jolie meets the media on the Bund in east China's Shanghai, June 3, 2014. Angelina Jolie will promote "Maleficent", a fantasy adventure film she starred in, during her Shanghai visit, which is also her first time to the Chinese mainland. [Photo: Xinhua]
Angelina Jolie said she was apprehensive to take on her new role as she promoted Maleficent in Shanghai yesterday. Malificent is one of Disney's most popular villains since she appeared as the wicked fairy in the 1959 animated feature "Sleeping Beauty," in which she casts an evil spell on the princess. "The idea of playing this character scared me a bit because she was somebody I loved as a child and I also just thought this is such a big performance, such a big voice. There is no half way to go about playing somebody like this. So as an artist, I was a bit shy to take it on and I thought that's why I needed to. I read the script and I was extremely moved. I thought it was just one of the best scripts I've read." The modern reimagining of that fairytale in "Maleficent" allows Jolie, who turns 39-years-old today, to show the hurt that sparked her character's evil side and how she overcomes it. The movie will be screened in mainland Chinese cinemas from June 20. |
昨日安吉丽娜·朱莉在上海宣传新片《沉睡魔咒》时坦言,听说要饰演的角色后曾经很担忧。 在1959年动画片《睡美人》里,玛琳菲森给公主施下魔咒,以一邪恶女巫的形象成为了迪斯尼有名的一个反派角色。
“饰演这一角色的想法曾经把我有点吓到了,因为她是我小时候喜欢的人物,我想这是一个需要有很强表演和声音塑造能力的角色。饰演这样的角色就没有捷 径可走,所以作为艺术家,扮演这样的角色我是有点胆怯的,但我想这也正是我为什么需要去接受。我读了剧本并被深深地感动了,我想这是我读过的最好的剧本之 一。” 《沉睡魔咒》通过对童话的改编,让39岁的朱莉展现了人物受到的伤害并由此引发内心的邪恶,然后又是如何克服的。 影片在中国大陆将于6月20日上映。 |
American actress Angelina Jolie meets the media on the Bund in east China's Shanghai, June 3, 2014. Angelina Jolie will promote "Maleficent", a fantasy adventure film she starred in, during her Shanghai visit, which is also her first time to the Chinese mainland. [Photo: Xinhua]