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安徽2名警察目睹少女被杀未制止 警方:不是怕死

Profile:2 Police Officers in Anhui Witness Girl Being Killed Without Stopping It, the Police: It Wasn’t Because They Were Afraid of Dying

Bengbu, August 22 news — On the afternoon of August 18, a murder happened in Anhui Province Bengbu City Yuhui District Macheng Town: A 17-year-old female supermarket cashier was murdered after being stabbed over 10 times by the killer. Surveillance footage during the crime showed: While the girl was being choked by the killer and stabbed to death, two police officers stood right in front of them, yet dared not to go forward to stop it. Not until the perpetrator stabbed himself and fell to the ground did the two policemen go forward to subdue him. The two policemen’s behavior was strongly and angrily condemned by the family members of the deceased.

Try to learn the Chinese words from the video.



Pinyin: shōu yín yuán


Sentence: As a grocery store cashier, you must go through hundreds of plastic bags every day.收银员一天下来肯定要接触上百个塑料袋。



Pinyin: mù dǔ

Meaning: witness

Sentence: I'm really terrified to witness the slaughter.目睹这场屠杀我真是吓坏了。



Pinyin: zhì zhǐ

Meaning: restrain

Sentence: One onlooker had to be restrained by police.一个旁观者遭到了警察的制止。



Pinyin: tóng qíng

Meaning: sympathize

Sentence: We sympathize with the poor, so we are naturally inclined to help.我们会同情穷人,所以我们会很自然倾向于去帮助别人。



Pinyin: gōng bù

Meaning: publish

Sentence: They also agreed to publish regulations concerning such controls.他们还同意公布关于这种出口限制的法令。



Pinyin: jiǎn jí

Meaning: film editing

Sentence: This is a practice of short film editing.这是短片剪辑的练习作品。


(★ means that vocabulary beyond the outlines)

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