The literal meaning of “纸老虎”is a paper-tiger....
“风凉话”means discouraging or taunting somebody....
“卖关子” means stopping a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense....
“得手” metaphorically means to succeed in doing something smoothly....
"跑腿 (pǎotuǐ)" has two meanings. One is to serve others for money or for free. The other is to run here and there ......
“活字典”means the person has rich knowledge on some field and can answer any question on any occasion....
本文为2013中国汉字听写大会10月13日周五晚中国汉字听写大会总决赛 第十三期大赛题目及详解,内容仅供参考。...
“动心” means to be moved mentally, showing interest in something or falling in love with somebody....
“放鸽子” means both releasing pigeons and failing to keep an appointment....
the Ancient womaen applied made up with blusher when they played on makeup. It is a metaphor of a beauty....
The literal meaning of “搞鬼” is to pretend as a ghost. It is a metaphor of practicing deception or playing tricks ......
“绕弯子(rào wānzi)”means to talk indirectly . People usually say something else before what they really want to s......
Chinese people consider crow as a bird of ill omen. So “乌鸦嘴” is used to describe people who usually say sth. omi......
The original meaning of “做文章”(zuò wénzhāng)is writing an essay. It is a metaphorical saying of making an is......
As a derogatory term, “做手脚”( zuò shǒujiǎo) refers to do something secretly or employ bad means in order to ......
“嘴硬”literally means a tough mouth. It is used to describe a person who knows his or her own faults, but refuses t......
“铁哥们儿”literally means the relation between brothers is as hard as iron. It refers to close friends, usually mal......
“臭美”describes a person who particularly likes to dress up....
“饭桶”is a metaphor of an incapable person who cannot do anything....
People use“鸿门宴”to indicate a feast or meeting set up as a trap for the invited or something ill-disposed....