名声在外(míngshēng zài wài): that something's reputation has spread and is well-known all...
低估 (di1 gu1): (verb) to underestimate or underrate....
眼前一亮(yan3 qian2 yi2 liang4): expressing surprise and delight upon seeing something beautiful or special....
照样儿(zhao4 yang4 er):as before, or in the same way....
一夫当关,万夫莫开(yi4 fu1 dang1 guan1, wan4 fu1 mo4 kai1): It's a pass where one man was able to hold back ten thous......
一问三不知 (Yi2 wen4 san1 bu4 zhi1): to answer every question with "I don't know", or to know nothing....
入神 (rù shén): to be entranced, or to be very intent....
一丁点儿 (Yi4 ding1dian r): is a colloquialism, which means very little or just a little bit....
担任 (dan1 ren4): (verb) to assume the office of or take charge of. 担当某种职位或者是工作...
难(nan2): (verb) make difficult 被难住(Bei4 nan2 zhu4): to be stumped 几乎 (Ji1 hu1): almost or nearly 各有千秋 (Ge4 ......
Happy China - Weekend 54 - 汕头市潮阳区莲花峰风景区...
不是,而是 (bu2 shi4 er2 shi4)...
赏心悦目 (shang3 xin1 yue4 mu4): pleasing to both the eye and the mind...