Key Learning Points: |
低估 (di1 gu1): (verb) to underestimate or underrate. |
喜上眉梢 (xi3 shang4 mei2 shao1): (idiom) be radiant |
一方面...一方面... (yi4 fang1 mian4): (complex sentence conjunctions) in a compound complex sentence. |
今天我们要去的是 The place we're going to visit today 位于澄海区的陈慈黉故居。 is the former residence of Chen Cihong in Chenghai District. 听说这陈慈黉故居, I heard that the Chen Cihong Residence 可是潮汕地区大型民居宅院中 is the most representative of large residential houses 最有代表性的一座。 in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 王渊源:快乐学汉语, Let's learn Chinese the fun way! 韩佳: 万里海疆行! And enjoy a happy journey across China! 观众朋友们, Audience friends, 我跟渊源现在是在 Yuanyuan and I are saying hello to you 陈慈黉故居的平台上向您问好。 here on a terrace of the former residence of Chen Cihong. 王渊源:站在高处, Only when you stand at a higher place, 才能感受到它的规模真的很大。 can you understand the large scale of this residence. 韩佳: 是啊。 Yes. 这座故居呢包括郎中第、 This residence complex consists of four parts, Langzhongdi, 寿康里、善居室, Shoukangli, Shanjushi 以及三庐书斋四座建筑群。 and Sanlu. 每座宅院都是由四座建筑 There are four houses in each courtyard 环抱一座祠堂。 surrounding an ancestral temple in the center. 这也正好是潮汕民间的传统建筑, This is the typical four-horse-coach style “四马拖车”的格局了。 in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 王渊源:那它到底有多大呀? How large is this residence? 韩佳: 它占地约两万平方米, It occupies an area of 20,000 square meters 有大小厅房五百零六间呢。 and has 506 rooms, big and small. 王渊源:这么多呀! It has so many rooms! 看来我还是低估了它的规模。 It seems that I underestimated its scale. 韩佳: “低估”是个动词,表示过低估计。 "Digu" is a verb, which means to underestimate or underrate. 王渊源:“低估”表示过低估计。 So "digu" means to underestimate or underrate. 韩佳: 就好像渊源刚才说的, Just as Yuanyuan said, Kàn lái wǒ dīgū le tā de guīmó 看 来 我 低估 了 它 的 规模。 It seems that I underestimated its scale. 旁白: 陈慈黉家族早期经营海外运输。 At first, the Chen family was engaged in international shipping. 后来,在泰国办实业。 Later, they set up an industrial enterprise in Thailand. 因为陈家是华侨, As the Chen family was overseas Chinese, 陈氏故居也带有着 the Chen residence is characterized 明显的中西合璧的特色。 by a combination of Chinese and Western styles. 渊源提议,我们不妨一边参观, Yuanyuan suggested that while we tour the residence, 一边找找哪里是中国传统的建筑特色, we should also try to find out instances of the Chinese style 而哪里又有着西洋风格的影子。 and those of the Western style. 王渊源:我们现在来到了 Now we've entered 最大的一座院落——善居室。 the biggest courtyard complex, Shanjushi. 韩佳: 渊源,这回咱俩换一换吧。 Yuanyuan, let's exchange our roles. 我找西洋风格的东西, I'm to find Western-style things 你找具有中国传统特色的地方。 and you're to find Chinese-style things. 王渊源:没问题。 No problem. 你看,抬头就有一个。 Look, there is just one overhead. 韩佳: 抬头? Overhead? 哦,你是说这喜鹊的木雕? Oh, you mean the wood carving of magpie? 王渊源:对呀。 Yes. 这可是中国传统的“喜上眉梢”的图案。 This is the typical "xi shang meishao" pattern. 没说错吧? Am I right? 韩佳: 说得没错儿。 You're absolutely right. “喜上眉梢”是个成语。 "Xi shang meishao" is an idiom. “眉梢”就是指眉间。 "Meishao" refers to the tip of the brow. “喜上眉梢”就是用来形容高兴的神情 "Xi shang meishao" means to be radiant 从眉间、眼睛上表现出来。 with joy. 王渊源:“喜上眉梢”是个成语, So "xi shang meishao" is an idiom 用来形容高兴的神情 that means to be radiant 从眉间、眼睛上表现出来。 with joy. 韩佳: 好好好,算你占先。 Okay, you won first. 不过,你只顾到了上面, But you gave all your attention to things above 却没有看到脚下吧。 and overlooked things on the ground. 王渊源:彩色的瓷砖? Colored ceramic tiles? 都是当时铺的呀? Were they laid at the time? 韩佳: 那当然了。 Of course. 这些瓷砖都是主人从国外买进来的。 The owner of the residence bought all these tiles from abroad. 王渊源:行,行,平手啊。 Okay, it's a draw. 那咱们接着找吧。 Let's go on finding them. 韩佳: 好。 Okay. 旁白: 这陈慈黉故居的四座宅第, The four house complexes of the Chen residence 在建筑格局上既紧密相连, are closely connected with one another 又相对独立。 while they are all relatively independent of one another. 中间建有中国式的“硬山顶”平房, The central sloping-roofed Chinese- style house is surrounded 外围房屋是两层洋楼, by two-storey Western-style buildings, 从而形成了一个个内低外高, thus forming a castle-like square courtyard, 类似城寨的方形大庭院。 of which the central part is lower than the peripheral part. 王渊源:韩佳,我又找到了 Han Jia, I found another instance 具有中式风格的地方了。 of the Chinese style. 韩佳: 哦,说说看? Oh, what's that? 王渊源:我发现, I found 这座宅子呢它采用的都是中国架房梁 this house has the Chinese-style beam framework 盖瓦片的传统结构。 and a tiled roof. 典型的中国造。 It is typically Chinese. 韩佳: 没错儿是没错儿。 Yes, exactly. 可阳台、栏杆还有柱子 But the balcony, the balustrade and pillars, 这些装饰性很强的部分, which are quite decorative, 就是采用西式风格的装修啊。 are all Western in style. 其实,这些房间除了美观之外, In fact, apart from a beautiful facade, 还考虑到了实用性和安全性呢。 practicality and safety were also considered when these houses were built. 王渊源:这我可没看出来。 But I didn't notice that. 韩佳: 别急嘛。跟我走。 Don't worry. Come with me. 渊源,你看这些楼梯梯面的花纹。 Look at these patterns on the steps. 它们一方面有装饰的作用, While they are decorative, 一方面又有防滑的作用。 they can also help prevent skidding. 王渊源:还真是的。 Yes, indeed. 韩佳, Han Jia, 你刚才说的“一方面...一方面...” you just said "yifangmian ... yifangmian". 是个复句吗? Is it a complex sentence? 韩佳: 没错儿。 Exactly. “一方面...一方面...” "Yifangmian ... yifangmian" 是表示并列关系的关联词语。 are conjunctions in a compound- complex sentence. 就好像我刚才说的, Just as I said just now, Zhèxiē huāwén yì fāngmiàn yǒu zhuāngshi de zuòyòng yì Fāngmiàn yǒu fáng huá de zuòyòng 这些 花纹 一 方面 有 装饰 的 作用, 一 方面 有 防 滑 的 作用。 These patterns serve both decorative and anti-skid functions. 王渊源:还挺实用的呢。 They are also very practical. 韩佳: 是啊。 Yes. 实用的地方还不止这些呢。 They are not the only practical instances. 二楼都有阳台和走廊相连, The balcony on the second floor is connected with a corridor 每座楼都可以相通。 and all the buildings are connected and open to each other. 而且在二楼, And on the second floor, 那边还设有安全门, there is an emergency exit, 离地面很高。 which is high above the ground. 要是发生洪水的时候, When there was a flood, 就可以坐船直接从安全门逃走。 people were able to escape from the exit by boat. 王渊源:这个设计还挺符合 This type of design was in conformity 当地的气侯特点的。 with the local climatic characteristics. 韩佳: 好了, Okay, 那马上又要到我们今天的 time now again for today's 赏心悦目时间了。 Feast for the Eyes. 让我们再到那里去好好地了解一下, Let's go over there to find out 这陈氏故居里还有哪些特色、细节 what other characteristics and details 是我们没有注意到的呢。 which we failed to notice in this residence. 王渊源:赶紧看看。 Let's hurry. 赏心悦目: 陈慈黉故居 The Former Residence of Chen Cihong 被誉为“岭南第一侨宅” is known as the No. 1 Residence of Overseas Chinese in southern China. 规模宏大 风格独特 It is large in scale and unique in style. 西式的玻璃 瓷砖精美如新 The Western-style glass panes and ceramic tiles remain new and bright. 中式的门窗 斗拱古朴典雅 Its Chinese-style doors, windows and archways are pristine and elegant. 不同的文化造就不同的建筑风格 Architecture differs in different cultures. 东西方建筑艺术却在这里和谐融合 The residence is a perfect combination of Chinese and Western architecture. 通廊天桥萦回曲折 四通八达 The zigzag corridors and overpasses 引你探寻潮汕建筑文化的无限魅力 lead you to explore the infinite charm of Chaozhou-Shantou architecture. 导演: 韩佳、渊源呢? Where are Han Jia and Yuanyuan? 看见韩佳、渊源了吗? Di you see Han Jia and Yuanyuan? 韩佳: 导演,别找了,别找了。 Director, stop looking for us. 我们俩在这儿呢。 The two of us are here. 导演: 你俩可真行。 I'm amazed at you. 这节目还没结束呢, Our program hasn't finished yet 怎么先玩儿上了! and you were gone having fun! 韩佳: 我们俩这可不是玩儿。 We were not having fun. 刚刚听说, We had heard that 这里有当地非常有特色的表演 there was a very special performance, 双咬鹅。 Frolicking Geese. 所以马上到这儿来学习学习。 So we came here to learn. 王渊源:就是。 Yes. 这双咬鹅可是个力气活儿。 Performing Frolicking Geese is a strenuous skill. 韩佳: 是啊,是啊。 Yes, indeed. 两个大活人藏在这么大的模型里面, Two persons hidden in that huge models 而且呢 are to act 还要表现出两只鹅嬉戏的样子。 two frolicking geese. 容易吗。 It's no easy feat. 王渊源:就是。你说容易吗? Right. Do you think it's easy? 导演: 得得得, Okay, okay, 不容易,不容易。 it's not easy, it's not easy. 不过呀, But the two of you 你俩可今天的任务还没完成呢。 haven't fulfilled your today's task yet. 王渊源:对了, Right, 我们还没给大家出今天的有奖问答题呢。 we haven't set today's award- winning question yet. 韩佳: 您听好了。 Listen carefully. 今天的题目是这样的。 Here's today's question. (问题部分略) 那今天的节目就到这里了。 That's it for our program today. 明天的节目会更加精彩。 The program for tomorrow will be even more appealing. 千万不要错过哦! Be sure not to miss it! 王渊源:节目的最后还是要提醒您, But before we go, we'd still want to remind you 别忘了我们的口号。 not to forget our slogan. 合: 学说中国话,朋友遍天下! Learn Chinese and make friends everywhere! 韩佳: 明天见。 See you tomorrow. |