Key Learning Points: |
眼前一亮(yan3 qian2 yi2 liang4): expressing surprise and delight upon seeing something beautiful or special. |
别提(bie2 ti2): verb, It is used to emphasize the extent of something, with a mood of exaggeration. |
灵巧(ling2 qiao3): nimble, dexterous, or skilled. |
韩佳: 快乐学汉语,万里海疆行! Let's learn Chinese the fun way and enjoy a happy journey across China! 大家好,我是快乐的韩佳。 Hello, I'm Merry Han Jia. 王渊源:我是快乐的渊源。 And I'm Happy Yuanyuan. 韩佳: 您现在看到的就是明安里。 What you are seeing is Ming'anli. 王渊源:好壮观啊! What a spectacular sight it is! 而且看上去很有中国特色呀。 And it looks very Chinese in style. 韩佳: 准确地说, To be more precise, 这明安里几乎集中了 Ming'anli displays all the architectural styles of residential houses 潮汕民居的所有建筑特色。 in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 当初这位华侨出资修建它的目的呢, An overseas Chinese sponsored its construction 也在于想让更多的人 just for the purpose of making more people 了解潮汕民居的特色。 know about the features of residential houses in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 怎么样,快看花眼了吧? Well, are you dazzled by what you see? 这些呢都是潮汕地区 These are all very typical building decorations 非常具有代表性的建筑装饰。 in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 有工艺精细的金漆木雕, They include the exquisite cinnabar and gold wood carvings, 有石雕,有泥塑,还有彩绘等等。 stone carvings, clay sculptures and color paintings. 王渊源:装饰的类型可真多呀! There are so many types of decorations here! 制作得也精巧啊! And they are all crafted perfectly! 韩佳: 是啊。 Yes, indeed. 这儿的每一处装饰呢 Every decoration here 都蕴含着深厚的潮汕民俗文化。 embodies the rich folk culture in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 王渊源:太漂亮了! They are so beautiful! 我觉得真是让人... I feel they really make people's eyes ... 怎么说来着?真是让人眼前... How should I put it? 韩佳: “眼前一亮”是不是? Do you want to say "yanqian yi liang"? 王渊源:对对对。让人眼前一亮。 Yes, yes. They make people's eyes light up with delight. 韩佳: 当我们看到 When we see something 非常漂亮、非常特别的事物 extremely beautiful and very special 感到惊喜的时候呢, and feel surprise at it, 就可以说“...让人眼前一亮”。 we may say it make people's eyes light up with delight. 王渊源:“眼前一亮”表示 So "yanqian yi liang" is a way of 看到非常漂亮、非常特别的事物时 expressing surprise and delight 感到惊喜。 upon seeing something beautiful or special. 韩佳: 举个例子来说吧。 Let's explain with an example. Zhèlǐ jīngměi de zhuāngshì ràng rén yǎn qián yí liàng 这里 精美 的 装饰 让 人 眼 前 一 亮。 The exquisite decorations here make people's eyes light up with delight. 王渊源:实在是太漂亮了! They are so beautiful! 的确让人眼前一亮啊! They surely make people's eyes light up with delight! 我真是佩服那些能工巧匠啊! I really admire those skilled artisans! 韩佳: 潮汕这个地方啊就是出巧手。 The Chaozhou-Shantou area is home to adroit artisans. 那接下来呢, Up next, 我们就要去认识一位巧手中的巧手。 let's meet one of the adroit artisans. 渊源,这位呢就是我说的巧手, This is the adroit artisan I mentioned, 魏惠君女士了。 Ms. Wei Huijun. 王渊源:你好,你好,魏老师。 Hello, Ms. Wei. 韩佳, Han Jia, 这位看着不像是能建明安里人哪。 she doesn't look like one of the builders of Ming'anli. 嘉宾: 谁说我不会剪啊? Who said I can't cut? 瞧,这就是我剪的《明安里》。 Look, this is my paper-cut of Ming'anli. 韩佳: 好好看看! Look carefully! 王渊源:是剪纸啊。 Oh, it's a paper-cut. 我还以为是学建房子呢。 I thought you were an architect. 韩佳: 这你就有所不知了吧, You obviously don't know that 这潮阳的剪纸 Chaoyang paper-cutting is 跟潮汕民居一样远近闻名。 as famous as those residential houses in the Chaozhou-Shantou area. 那这位魏老师呢 And Ms. Wei 就是这里的剪纸高手, is a master paper-cutter, 得过很多奖哦。 who has won many awards. 嘉宾: 哎呀,不敢当,不敢当。 Oh, I'm flattered. 韩佳: 魏老师,我们虽然是第一次见, Ms. Wei, though this is our first time to meet, 不过有一样东西呢 there is one thing 你肯定不会陌生。 you must be familiar with it. 就是这个了。 It's right this. 王渊源:这不是我们栏目组的纪念品杯垫嘛。 Isn't this the teacup coaster that is one of our souvenirs? 难道是... Is this ... 嘉宾: 这就是我做的。 This is made by me. 我把你们节目组的logo I designed this pattern by combining 和我们潮阳剪纸的特色相结合, your logo with the characteristics 设计出这个图案。 of Chaoyang paper-cutting. 王渊源:我总用这个杯垫。 I always use this kind of teacup coaster. 原来是您设计的呀! Actually it is you who designed it! 韩佳: 很多观众朋友都收到过这份纪念品。 Many of our viewers have received this type of souvenir. 别提多喜欢了。 They just love it very much. 王渊源:韩佳,你等等。 Han Jia, wait a minute. 大家那么喜欢,干吗不提呀? Since they all love it, why don't you want to mention it? 韩佳: 我说的“别提”呢在这里是个动词。 The word "bieti" I said is a verb. 表示程度很深、不必细说, It is used to emphasize the extent of something, 带有夸张的语气。 with a mood of exaggeration. “别提多...了” "Bieti duo ..." 是我们常用的一个句式, is a sentence pattern we use frequently 形容程度很高。 to emphasize a high degree. 王渊源:“别提”表示程度很深,不必细说。 So the "bieti" here is used to emphasize the extent of something. 韩佳: 对。那这个句式呢 Yes. This sentence pattern 还可以搭配一些表示心理活动的动词。 can be used in conjunction with modal verbs. 比如说,别提多高兴了, For example, people can't be happier; 别提多难过了。 can't be sadder. 再比如我们刚才说的, Another example just as we said, (对她的剪纸作品,大家别提多喜欢了! People just love her paper-cuts!) 王渊源:这真是太棒了呀! They are so wonderful! 我要是有机会 If only I had a chance 跟您学点这个剪纸的手艺那就好了! to learn paper-cutting from you! 嘉宾: 学也行啊。 Sure you can learn. 那就得看你有没有这个潜力了。 But it all depends on whether you have such potential. 如果你赢了我这位小徒弟啊, If you can outperform this young disciple of mine, 我就教你。 I'll teach you. 王渊源:你让我跟小姑娘比啊? You want me to compete with this little girl? 我有点不好意思赢她呀! I'd feel sorry if I defeat her! 韩佳: 你可别小看人家小姑娘。 You mustn't underestimate this little girl. 她可是深得魏老师的真传。 She is, after all, Ms. Wei's favorite disciple. 王渊源:那行,我们就比吧。 Okay, let's compete. 你说,比什么呀。 But tell me what we should compete in. 小孩: 剪小鱼怎么样? How about a paper-cut of a little fish? 王渊源:小鱼? A little fish? 可以,没问题。来吧。 Okay, no problem. Come on. 小孩: 好了。 Sure. 王渊源:哎哟,这! Oh, my goodness! 韩佳: 人家剪好了。 She has cut it out. 你紧张什么呀? Why are you so nervous? 王渊源:这小姑娘的手多灵巧啊。 This little girl is so dexterous. 我哪儿比得过她呀? How can I outperform her? 韩佳: 这回不敢小瞧人家了吧? Now you know why you shouldn't underrate her? 渊源刚才说小姑娘的手很灵巧。 Just now Yuanyuan said this little girl is dexterous. “灵巧”是个形容词, "Lingqiao" is an adjective, 就是指灵活而且巧妙。 which means nimble, dexterous, or skilled. 王渊源:“灵巧”是个形容词, So "lingqiao" here is an adjective 就是指灵活而且巧妙。 that means nimble, dexterous, or skilled. 小姑娘跟小伙子比, It's unfair to let a little girl 这不公平,不公平。 compete with a young guy like me. 韩佳,要不你来一次吧? Han Jia, would you like to try? 韩佳: 我? Me? 嘉宾: 不用比了。 No competition. 我来剪个图案。 Let me cut out a pattern. 你掐表,二十秒钟之内我完成。 You just count the time. I'll finish it within 20 seconds. 如果我剪不好,就算我输,好不好。 If I can't, just count me as the loser. 合: 二十秒? 20 seconds? 王渊源:哎呀,这不可能吧。 Oh, it is possible. 韩佳,你赢定了。 Han Jia, you'll definitely win. 韩佳: 好,那我比。 Okay, let me compete. 您准备好了吗?计时开始。 Are you ready? Start counting the time. 嘉宾: 好,我剪完了。 Okay, I'm done. 韩佳: 哇,太棒了! Wow, you're so great! 王渊源:真是,棒是棒。 Yes, she is great. 不过可惜,我们比赛都输了。 But it's a pity that we both lost. 学不成手艺了。 We can't learn the craft now. 韩佳: 是啊,太可惜了! Yeah, what a pity! 小孩: 没关系。 It doesn't matter. 你们拜不成我妈妈为师, If you can't learn from my mom as the teacher, 我可以教你们啊。 I can teach you. 合: 啊?你们是母女啊? What? Is she your mother? 赏心悦目: 建筑精美的明安里是潮汕民居的代表 Ming'anli is a fine example of residential houses in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 它以装饰种类繁多且工艺精湛而远近闻名 It is reputed for its variety of building decorations and excellent architecture. 同样名声远扬的还有独具特色的潮阳剪纸 Chaoyang paper-cutting enjoys an equal reputation. 图案质朴 刀法细腻 Featuring delicately cut out designs, 传承了潮汕民间艺术的审美特点 it is part of the heritage of local folk arts. 和民居一起成为了潮汕人的骄傲 Like those residential houses, it is also the pride of the Chaozhou and Shantou region. 嘉宾: 怎么样,潮阳的剪纸精细吧? Well, do you find Chaoyang paper-cutting exquisite? 潮阳的民居漂亮吗? And do you think Chaoyang residential houses are pretty? 小孩: 下面两位主持人 Now the two co-hosts will 要给大家出今天的有奖问题了。 set today's award-winning question. 韩佳: 您听好了。 Listen carefully. 今天的题目是这样的。 Here's today's question. (问题部分略) 王渊源:好了,我们今天的节目就到这里了。 Well, that's it for our program today. 韩佳: 节目的最后呢, At the end of the program, 还是要提醒您别忘了我们的口号。 we'd still want to remind you not to forget our slogan. 合: 学说中国话,朋友遍天下! Learn Chinese and make friends everywhere! |