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据英国《每日邮报》报道,意大利历史学家和小说家安杰洛?帕拉蒂科(Angelo Paratico)的一项最新研究表明,著名画家达?芬奇的母亲很可能是名中国奴隶,而其母就是名画《蒙娜丽莎》的原型。
Research carried out by Italian historian and novelist Angelo Paratico has led him to claim that Leonardo Da Vinci's mother, who is thought by many to have been the subject of the ‘Mona Lisa', may have been a Chinese slave.


Paratico told the South China Morning Post that he is 'sure up to a point that Leonardo's mother was from the Orient, but to make her an oriental Chinese, we need to use a deductive method '.

早前的一些资料指出,达?芬奇的母亲卡泰丽娜 (Caterina)是位农民,但帕拉蒂科却声称,最有可能的情况是,达?芬奇的父亲是一个富有的客户,母亲是一个名叫卡泰丽娜的奴隶,而且她恰好在1452年达芬奇出生之后从文献上消失,从此不再在当地工作。
Some people believe she was a local peasant, but Paratico said Leonardo's father was a wealthy client who had a slave called Caterina. After 1452, Leonardo's date of birth, she disappeared from the documents and she was no longer working in the local.

Angelo Paratico has spent the last 20 years living and working in Hong Kong, researching the links between his homeland and China over the past half a millenium.

Mr Paratico said documentation he has uncovered during two years of research forms the basis of his latest book Leonardo Da Vinci: A Chinese scholar lost in Renaissance Italy. The book, which is due to be published next year, uncovers evidence, Mr Paratico claims, that links Da Vinci and the Far East.

Supporting his theory, Mr Paratico said: 'During the Renaissance, countries like Italy and Spain were full of oriental slaves.' He claimed that there were certain aspects of Da Vinci's life and work suggest an oriental link.

“比如达芬奇左手写字,从左写到右,他还是一个素食主义者,这是当时很罕见的。 西格蒙德?弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)在1910年就曾指出,蒙娜丽萨很可能就是达芬奇的母亲。蒙娜丽莎画像的背景是中国的风景,她的脸看起来也很像中国人。”

He added: 'For instance, the fact he was writing with his left hand from left to right... and he was also a vegetarian which was not common. Mona Lisa is probably a portrait of his mother, as Sigmund Freud said in 1910. On the back of Mona Lisa, there is a Chinese landscape and even her face looks Chinese.'

Mr Paratico said he believes the only way to solve the mystery is to exhume some of Da Vinci's relations in Florence and extract some DNA.


historian 历史学家
novelist 小说家
deductive 推论的,演绎的
millennium 一千年,千禧年
orient 东方,东方的
uncover 揭露,发现
Renaissance 文艺复兴
exhume 挖出,发掘出
extract 提取,拔出

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